FBLA Emerging Leaders Summit--July 20th


We had seven workshops on July 20th. During the workshop, the FBLA China National and Provincial leaders shared knowledge and experience related to the leadership with us. The seven workshops had these topics:

  • Communication
  • Creative Thinking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization
  • Teamwork
  • Decision Making
  • Problematic solving

I recorded some important bullet points.


There are three basic models of communication:

  1. The linear model (messages from senders to receivers)
  2. The interaction model (receivers give feedback)
  3. The transaction model (receivers help boost further comprehension)


We played a game during the workshop. We needed to find who had the median age among us without using the digital devices or notes. At that time, we queued

Introduction of the leadership
We did a questionnaire to analyze our characteristics. After finishing it, I found I have such leadership traits:

  1. Emotional self-awareness
  2. Independence
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Openness
  5. Unselfishness



My feelings

I have realized my own leadership traits during the workshop. I think I will use them in the future. Besides, the FBLA China asked emerging leaders to swap seats in each session. I had met many kind friends who had creative ideas. We shared our ideas with each other and even made contact on the social medias. I had a wonderful experience at that time.

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